Due to a very large interest in having this project supported in modern environment (py3 + gtk3) I'm currently working on complete rewrite of this application. As soon as I have a running version complete I'll update this project's README with link to new version and also update any currently opened tickets.
Tabbed SSH connection manager for GTK+ environments.
- Gnome Connection Manager is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3
- It's designed in Glade and written in python, so it just needs PyGTK to run in any linux environment
- Can store passwords for easy access to hosts
- Supports multiple ssh tunnels for each host
- Unlimited vertical/horizontal window splitting. You can have as many visible consoles as you want
- Drag&Drop tabs between consoles
- Connect to multiple hosts with just one click
- Grouping hosts
- Cluster mode. Work on several hosts at the same time
- Customizable shortcuts
- Send custom commands to hosts
Make sure you have installed the following packages (Ubuntu):
- python-gtk2 (>= 2.22)
- expect
- python-vte
- libglade2-0
- python-glade2
On Ubuntu you can install them with the following one-liner:
sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 expect python-vte libglade2-0 python-glade2
Once you have dependencies installed, it's as simple as placing gnome-connection-manager directory to a location of your choice and typing in shell:
python gnome_connection_manager.py
The application will read your LANG
environment variable and load appropriate translation file (if your language is
supported), otherwise it will fallback to english.
If you want to start gnome-connection-manager with specific language start it with LANGUAGE parameter followed by language code, like so:
LANGUAGE=de_DE python gnome_connection_manager.py
If you want to run the application from menu/launcher you can create .desktop file in your /home/USERNAME/.local/share/applications directory. Assuming you placed gnome-connection-manager source in directory /home/USERNAME/.gnome-connection-manager/ your .desktop file could look like this:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gnome Connection Manager
Comment=A simple ssh connection manager for gnome
GenericName=Connection Manager
Replace USERNAME in examples above with your username.
The original author of GCM is Renzo Bertuzzi (kuthulu@gmail.com) and all credit goes to him. I really liked the application and decided to fix some bugs and add features that I need in everyday use. If you find my fork of GCM useful and would like to see some new features added don't hesitate to contact me at: matko.jun@gmail.com