
Optimized Graphics Advanced Rendering ECS Engine

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🐱 OGAR Engine 🐱

O ptimized

G raphics

A dvanced

R endering

ECS Deferred Rendering Engine

Ogar 😼 is pronounced as: https://translate.google.com/?hl=pl&sl=pl&tl=en&text=ogar&op=translate

⚠️ Engine not ready for use yet ⚠️

How to run the examples:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Open 2 consoles in the root of the project
  3. Run these 2 scripts at the same time:

a) will continuously build the src/Main.js into dist/ and examples/dist/

npm run build

b) will run a simple http server inside the examples/ folder. Assumes you have http-server package installed globally

npm run start
  1. Navigate to 'http://localhost:8080/' and select an example to run

📖 API so far:

import * as OGAR from './dist/OGAR.module.js';

const engine = new OGAR.Engine();
engine.init( document.body );

🕋 Export and Import binary .ogar files:

const ogarExporter = new OGAR.OGARExporter();
const ogarLoader = new OGAR.OGARLoader();

const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( someGeometry, someMaterial );

// Export and save mesh into 'cube.ogar' 3d model
ogarExporter.exportMesh( mesh, 'cube' );

// Load 'cube.ogar' 3d model
    .then( ( asset ) => {
        const loadedModel = new THREE.Mesh( asset.geometry, someMaterial );
        engine.scene.add( loadedModel );