FlowPref is a library for making Preferences composable, typesafe and reactive (by exposing a kotlin Flow).
// create a flow pref backed by shared preferences
val sharedPrefs = context.getSharedPreferences("prefName", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
// ensure this is a singleton across process
val prefs = AndroidPreferences(sharedPrefs)
val intPref = prefs.int("prefKey", 42)
// write and get values
intPref.value = 5
// flow
scope.launch {
intPref.flow.collect {
// use it as a property
var myValue by intPref
myValue = 5
Add jitpack to your repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
And add the dependency:
dependencies {
// android implementation
implementation 'com.github.PaulWoitaschek.FlowPref:android:x.y.z'
// core only, useful for consuming kotlin-only modules
implementation 'com.github.PaulWoitaschek.FlowPref:core:x.y.z'
// an in-memory implementation, useful for testing. Pure kotlin
implementation 'com.github.PaulWoitaschek.FlowPref:in-memory:x.y.z'