JBoss as RPM build instructions =============================== This project was inspired by http://code.google.com/p/jboss-rpm and modified for my needs. Startup scripts are managed manually, as the startup scripts in the jboss distribution do not have the chkconfig comments. The binaries are downloaded from maven. I used JBoss 6.1.0.Final, but it may be simple to change the version by updating that property in the pom.xml. I didn't try it. The rpm is built for x86_64, since there are 64 bit hornetq libraries in the the src/jboss-6.1.0.Final/bin/native directory after the jboss zip is downloaded. If you need to build a 32 bit version, you can try changing the <needarch> tag and removing those files. Maven shouldn't download the jboss zip if it already present. Prerequisites to build the RPM ============================== 1) You must have maven installed and configured. I used version 3.0.3 2) You must have rpmbuild tools installed. Try 'sudo yum install rpm-build' 3) You must have a ~/.rpmmacros file in you $HOME directory. A sample of this file is provided in rpmmacros.sample Steps to build the RPM ====================== 1) Clone the repo and cd into the root directory 2) Ensure you have prereqs 3) Run the following command mvn clean install 4) This will put the file in your ~/.m2/repository and Steps to install the RPM ======================== 1) Build the rpm with maven. Beside the ~/.m2 directory, the rpm will also be located at target/rpm/jboss-as-rpm-6.1.0.Final/RPMS/x86_64/jboss-as-rpm-6.1.0.Final-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm See the pom for an explanation on the duplicate version in the path. 2) Move the file jboss-as-rpm-6.1.0.Final-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm to the server you want to install it on and change to that directory 3) Run the following sudo rpm -i jboss-as-rpm-6.1.0.Final-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm 4) Get a sandwich, because you just saved yourself at least an hour Steps to uninstall the RPM ========================== 1) Change to the directory where the rpm file is located, from step 2 in the install directions 2) Use the rpm command to uninstall, ie sudo rpm -e jboss-as-rpm-6.1.0.Final-1.0-1.x86_64 If you use tab complete fill in the filename, be sure to remove the .rpm 3) Decide if you want to keep the jboss user's home directory. The jboss user and group will have been deleted, along with the jboss server. I left the home directory just in case.