Convert Mahjong log into another format.
$ make install
$ cat test.mjlog | mjxc convert --to-mjxproto
$ cat test.mjlog | mjxc convert --to-mjxproto-raw
$ cat test.json | mjxc convert --to-mjlog
$ mjxc convert ./mjlog_dir ./mjxproto_dir --to-mjxproto
$ mjxc convert ./mjlog_dir ./mjxproto_dir --to-mjxproto-raw
$ mjxc convert ./mjxproto_dir ./mjlog_dir --to-mjlog
- File inputs assume that each file corresponds to each game in any format.
- Difference between mjxproto and mjxproto-raw:
- Yaku is sorted in yaku number
- Yakuman's fu is set to 0