
Primary LanguageTypeScript

AWS Amplify TODO

This application uses AWS Amplify Gen 2 and React.


To run the solution, it is neccessary to have an application set-up in AWS Amplify. Follow the steps described here to know how.

Use the content of ./amplify.yml to setup correct deployment steps and make sure the output directory is set to ./src/

This package comes with prebuilt scripts to:

npm run sso
  • Generate a new ./src/amplify_outputs.json:
npm run sandbox
  • Watch for changes in ./amplify directory and generate a new ./src/amplify_outputs.json
npm run sandbox:watch


REACT_APP_WHEATHER_API_KEY= //api key from weatherapi.com
REACT_APP_LOCATIONS= //list of locations separated by pipe, eg: London|Tel Aviv|Athens

Getting Started

// Install dependencies
> npm install

// Generate ./src/amplify_outputs.json
> npm run sandbox

// Compile and run
> npm start

// If the browser doesn't open, manually navigate to the url logged in the console

Generate webfont icons from SVG images:

To modify the current icons set, update the .svg files contained in ./webfonts/icons and the codes contained in ./webfonts/icons/codepoints.json. The keys will be used in Typescript to write the type IconName to help developers knowing all the available options. The values have to be valid hexadecimal.

npm run webfonts

Start using the new webfonts by replacing the content of ./src/components/icons/customicons with ./webfonts/fonts/custom/style and ./webfonts/fonts/custom/codepoints.json

Useful Links

Customize your auth rules

Per-user/per-owner data access