
unlock cryptdisk remotely

Primary LanguageShell


unlock cryptdisk remotely


Build Alpine Linux initramfs with dropbear to unlock an encrypted root-disk remotely via ssh. The initramfs-init-dropbear-init-script is a slightly modified version of the default-init which comes with Alpine Linux 3.6


Requires dropbear and cryptsetup. Assumes you already have a working cryptsetup setup, i.e. are able to decrypt root at boot.


git clone https://github.com/mk-f/alpine-initramfs-dropbear
cd alpine-initramfs-dropbear
cp features.d/* /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/
cp initramfs-init-dropbear /usr/share/mkinitfs/initramfs-init-dropbear
cp dropbear/unlock_disk /etc/dropbear/
  • Add dropbear (and network if not present – also virtio if network devices are virtualized) to /etc/mkinitfs/mkinitfs.conf and remove cryptsetup

  • Copy a ssh-public-key to /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys

  • Optional: Copy dropbear_*_host_keys to /etc/dropbear if needed, dropbear will generate missing keys on its own. See man dropbear and man dropbearkey.

  • Modify and append the following to your bootloaders kernel cmdline (mind the number of colons!):

dropbear=<port> cryptdm=<cryptdm> cryptroot=<crypt-dev> ip=<ip>::<gw>:<mask>::<interface>

e.g for extlinux you should modify /etc/update-extlinux.conf:

default_kernel_opts="quiet rootfstype=ext4 dropbear=5555 cryptroot=/dev/sda2 cryptdm=crypt ip="

It is crucial, that all modules needed for disk-decryption and networking are listed in the modules=-list!

  • update bootloader, e.g for extlinux:
  • build initramfs:
mkinitfs -i /usr/share/mkinitfs/initramfs-init-dropbear
  • reboot

If something goes wrong, replace dropbear=<port> with cryptsetup at your bootloader-prompt, and you should be asked for your password as before.