CSC675-775 Section 03 Database Systems

Welcome to Database Systems!. Please modify this README file with the following info:

  1. Mark Kim 918204214

  2. Update this table of assignments. Set to done after one of the assignments is completed:

Assignment Completed/Not-Completed
Milestone #1 completed
Milestone #2 completed
Milestone #3 completed
Extra-credit not completed

If one of the milestones, or extra-credit assignment, is not set to "completed" by its due date, it won't be graded. The first thing I do before grading an assignment is to check the above table.

Please read carefully all the guidelines described in this README file. Failure to follow them, may affect negatively your grade.

General Milestones Guidelines:

  • In this class students will implement two mandatory milestones; The Conceptual and Relational Models.

  • Milestones will help you to understand concepts related to database systems that are needed in the implementation of your course project in this class.

  • Read carefully both README files related to homework and course project

  • Late submissions will be penalized with 20 points in the final grade of this milestone. Once the milestone is due, late submissions policies will apply for only one week. Milestones submitted one week after their original due date won't be accepted. Late polices only are applied to milestone 1 and 2. Since milestone 3 due date will be the last day of the semester for databases, late submissions for this milestone won't be accepted. No exceptions

  • Milestones are graded based on their completeness and correctness.

  • Each milestone has its own README file with specific docs and instructions.

  • Failure to follow the milestones' guidelines may affect negatively your grade.

Students must commit their work to their class repository. I will grade only work committed (not uploaded) to the master branch of your class repository. Work committed to repositories other than the student class repository won't be graded. No exceptions!

General Extra-credit Guidelines

  • In this class students will implement one extra-credit assignment; External Sorting or Indexing

  • Extra-credit project is 5% worth that will be added to your final grade.

  • Extra-credit project is all or nothing. No partial credit will be given. So, make sure that you understand the required project specifications before starting its implementation