
This is a simple web application built with JavaScript and Github API that allows users to input their Github username and fetch their Github profile information as well as their repositories. The application also allows users to sort their repositories by fork, star and size.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub Wrapper API

This is a simple web application built with JavaScript and Github API that allows users to input their Github username and fetch their Github profile information as well as their repositories. The application also allows users to sort their repositories by fork, star and size.

Live Link


To use this application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository using Git clone https://github.com/mk-manishkumar/GitHub-Wrapper-API
  2. Open index.html file in your web browser.
  3. Start using the application by submitting your GitHub Username.

Or if you don't want to tweak with codes, then just click on the link.


To use the application, follow these steps:

  1. Input your Github username in the input box provided
  2. Click the Show Details button
  3. Your Github profile card and repositories will be displayed
  4. To sort your repositories, click on the Forks, Stars or Size button at the top of the repositories list


This project was built with the following technologies:

  • JavaScript
  • Github API
  • HTML & CSS
  • Font Awesome

What I learned

During the development of this project, I learned:

  • How to use Github API to fetch user information and repositories
  • How to sort an array of objects based on a property
  • How to use fetch API in JS
  • Async & Await
  • Promises


Contributions to this project are welcome. Here are some ways you can contribute:

  • Report a bug
  • Fix a bug
  • Add a new feature
  • Improve the documentation

If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/<feature_name>)
  3. Make your changes
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -m "<commit_message>")
  5. Push your changes to your forked repository (git push origin feature/<feature_name>)
  6. Create a new pull request

Also, if you want to connect with me, ping me on Twitter or LinkedIn