- 1
What is the meaning of AdaFace's kernel?
#162 opened by bigbigbigwaterbucket - 0
what is the best threshold for face search
#161 opened by wuxuedaifu - 0
confuse about for evaluation
#160 opened by liuhongzhen123 - 0
my model performed poor
#159 opened by sdpscnc - 1
PyTorch issue in requirements.txt
#151 opened by joelb92 - 0
How to use inference on GPU? feature, _ = model(bgr_tensor_input) don't use GPU
#158 opened by martinenkoEduard - 0
Configuaration for training webface dataset
#157 opened by Zeres-Engel - 0
- 0
- 1 is not working with large dataset.
#154 opened by Armxyz1 - 0
Are there any alternatives to AdaFace? Or is it still the best face recognition model?
#153 opened by martinenkoEduard - 4
- 0
The speed issue of validation stage when run two or more same model in different datasets
#150 opened by CKK-coder - 0
ArcFace <-> AdaFace transcoder
#143 opened by henryruhs - 2
Face alignment during training
#146 opened by namas191297 - 0
- 4
#148 opened by zhangfenfang12138 - 6
How to use pretrained model to finetune?
#144 opened by divided7 - 0
Can I get the confidence value for the image?
#147 opened by 23hyun - 0
What's the dataset 'Webface 12M'?
#145 opened by divided7 - 0
About evaluating Adaface with other datasets
#142 opened by vkouam - 3
Error when trying to install the requirements
#140 opened by vkouam - 1
- 0
- 1
Where to find image_list_mtcnn_fail_skipped_v1
#137 opened by bhavinjawade - 0
How to train without NCCL in Windows
#138 opened by zhangfenfang12138 - 1
Win 10 - RuntimeError: Distributed package doesn't have NCCL built in. Has anyone encountered this error?
#111 opened by martinenkoEduard - 0
How do I convert AdaFace to onnx format? Will it have increased performance?
#135 opened by martinenkoEduard - 0
What is the computational cost of AdaFace in GFLOPs? How does it compare to ghostFaceModels?
#134 opened by martinenkoEduard - 14
- 11
Demo video code
#126 opened by MyraBaba - 0
what does this mean? # ignore_index
#133 opened by zws98 - 0
#132 opened by sfxeazilove - 0
WebFace4M dataset
#131 opened by engrkhanwrt - 0
Batch Inference on multiple faces
#130 opened by adrielkuek - 2
Problem fine-tuning adaface with triplet loss
#129 opened by sebapulgar - 1
- 3
ValueError("Attempting to unscale FP16 gradients.")
#127 opened by ayush0x00 - 0
#128 opened by ZKCCZ - 3
AttributeError: 'MultiStepLR' object has no attribute 'get_epoch_values'
#116 opened by martinenkoEduard - 2
only one gpu working while requesting 4 with slurm
#124 opened by afm215 - 0
c++ implementation
#122 opened by MyraBaba - 3
Is it worth to user --use_16bit flag? Doesn't hurt model's perfomace?
#114 opened by martinenkoEduard - 3
What does --numworkers do?
#115 opened by martinenkoEduard - 0
Has anyone tried data augmentation? Does it help? What type should I use?
#119 opened by martinenkoEduard - 0
Does AdaFace split validation set automatically? How can I change percentage?
#118 opened by martinenkoEduard - 2
How do I create memfile\\mem_file.dat.conf ?- FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'J:\\WebFace260M_extracted\\example\\faces_emore\\agedb_30\\memfile\\mem_file.dat.conf'
#112 opened by martinenkoEduard - 0
What attributes is beneficial to tune to increase mode's perfomance?
#117 opened by martinenkoEduard - 1
Where can I find age db_30.bin, calfw.bin, cfp_ff.bin, cfp_fp.bin , cplfw.bin, lfw.bin?
#110 opened by martinenkoEduard - 0
confused about right color channel
#113 opened by Suvi-dha