Mkmanifest is a menu-driven tool that creates VM (KVM based) datasets that can be imported into standalone SmartOS servers or imported into Joyent SmartDataCenter. Datasets are master images consisting of a compressed ZFS snapshot of a prepped VM disk, in addition to metadata describing the VM. Datasets are housed in a repository and cloned to deploy end-user VMs.
NOTICE: Please edit the script to include your private details. All '***' variables must be updated before running.
Sample usage:
::: Please select a VM (ensure VM is powered off):
1: bcf70dbf-c713-4307-be69-7569a9a74c25 stopped App-0.0.1
2: c6083c22-51c0-4204-a828-215b15cebe10 stopped Node-1.1.5
3: 8e11cdc8-ea7c-4302-8ba2-833f63d09e31 stopped TEST4
4: d044c0c2-7bf6-4781-a906-8566ea4a3aac running Mailbox
5: 6672f8e9-891e-4049-b423-3c40e2b91553 running Puppet
6: e114ee77-67c1-4f2b-8a74-3743002c1870 running VBWilk
7: f08223c0-f6df-4ece-a8e2-df5ff57bf816 running Ops_Siege
VM Number: 1
Image Name: Cloud-App
Image Version: 1.0.0
Image Description: General App Server
Operating System: CentOS 6.3
Image Root Disk Size [MB] (Blank to use detected: 16384):
::: Create a dataset using the following:
Virtual Machine: App-0.0.1
Image Name: Cloud-App
Image Version: 1.0.0
Image Description: General App Server
Operating System: CentOS 6.3
Image Root Disk Size [MB]: 16384
Proceed with these settings? (y/N): y
::: Creating snapshot
::: Creating a compressed image. This may take a moment...
Destination directory for dataset (blank for: /opt):
::: Done! Dataset can be found at: