This the app where you can get and add flights.

This app is deplyed by heroku. Heroku free starts server ~ 30 seconds, pls wait for the first time:

Start page you can find guide:

There are two interfaces:

1) User interface:

    get: /view/flights/{id}
    create: /view/flights/create

In block of creating with csv string, insert this, for example: 100,SVO,BKK,20210701,2010,20210702,1115,SU-275

2) Rest interface:

    get: /flights/{id} 
    create by json: /flights 
    create by csv string: /flights/string

Json example:

        "id": 20,
        "origin": "SVO",
        "destination": "BKK",
        "departureDate": 20210701,
        "departureTime": 2010,
        "arrivalDate" : 20210702,
        "arrivalTime" : 1115, 
        "number": "SU-276"



Csv string with JSON example:


Note: to create new flight id should be new, not autoGen, because we have init data.

If you want to run app on your pc:

 git clone
 you need to install postgresql port : 5432
 In file you should set your password and username. Default username and password are postgres, postgres.
 and you need to create database with name flight_db
 run DemoApplication class