is a collection of amazing open source women who create coding tutorials. This is a non-paid and open source project. Everyone is invited to use the data and/or contribute to the registry.
Image by Xuehka
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
Node streams | Javascript | advanced | sketchnote |
Typed arrays | Javascript | advanced | sketchnote |
Deflate | Computer science | advanced | sketchnote |
Unix design patterns | Unix | advanced | sketchnote |
LZ77 Algorithm | Computer science | advanced | sketchnote |
Cellular Automata | Computer science | intermediate | sketchnote |
Huffman coding | Computer science | advanced | sketchnote |
Libsodium | Cryptography | intermediate | sketchnote |
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
How to build a P2P Photos app | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Create a Peer-to-peer blog | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Host outside of Beaker | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Create a markdown site | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Share files secretly | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Publish software securely | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Web APIs by example | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Read files using DatArchive API | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Write files using DatArchive API | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Diff, commit, revert with DatArchive API | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Listen for file changes with DatArchive API | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Create or fork a site with DatArchive API | Peer-to-peer | intermediate | blog |
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
Build your Portfolio Page with yo and csjs | Javascript | beginner | video |
Build a simple Quiz with Firebase | Javascript | beginner | video |
Wizard Amigos - JS for Cyber Nomads | Javascript | beginner | app |
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
3 CSS Grid Features That Make My Heart Flutter | CSS | intermediate | blog |
Locally Scoped CSS Variables: What, How, and Why | CSS | intermediate | blog |
Implementing "Save For Offline" with Service Workers | Web API | advanced | blog | | Javascript | beginner | doodle |
Promises | Javascript | beginner | doodle |
Var-let-const | Javascript | beginner | doodle |
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
Git workshop | Git | beginner | markdown |
Collection of Art projects with Regl | Web GL | advanced | project |
Collection of Regl experiments | Web GL | advanced | project |
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
Node.js & npm Basics | Javascript | intermediate | blog |
Fork'n'go | Github | beginner | blog |
Git it | Git | intermediate | app |
Essential Electron | Electron | intermediate | blog |
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
Computer networking | Networking | intermediate | zine |
How to trick a neural network! | Neural networks | intermediate | talk |
What happens when you start a process on Linux? | Linux | advanced | zine |
Linux debugging tools | Linux | advanced | zine |
What happens when you run 'Hello, world' | Unix | intermediate | blog |
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
How do I get started with V8 development? | V8 | intermediate | blog |
Understanding V8’s Bytecode | V8 | advanced | blog |
Pachelbel's canon in D with web audio | Web audio | intermediate | project |
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
Coding Whiteboard Challenge - Character Frequency | Javascript | beginner | video |
Coding Whiteboard Challenge - JavaScript - Palindrome | Javascript | beginner | video |
How well do you really know CSS? | CSS | beginner | blog |
Why Doesn’t Your Github Repo Have a ReadMe File? | Github | beginner | blog |
The Difference Between a Tree and a Graph Data Structure | Computer Science | beginner | blog |
Data Structures – Linked List, Set and Hash Table | Computer Science | beginner | blog |
The Difference Between .call and .apply in JavaScript | Javascript | beginner | blog |
Instantiation Patterns in JavaScript | Javascript | intermediate | blog |
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
CSS Basics | CSS | beginner | video tutorial |
Everything you need to learn CSS Grid Layout | Grid | beginner | blog |
Grid by example | Grid | beginner | project |
Grab & Go Patterns | Grid | beginner | project |
Learn Grid Layout Video Series | Grid | beginner | video tutorial |
Title | Topic | Level | Format |
----- | ------ | ------ |
Image by Xuehka
Image by Xuehka
Image by Xuehka
Image by Xuehka
Image by Xuehka
Image by Xuehka
Image by Xuehka