
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Installation and Running:

N.B. This installation guide assumes you have Angular CLI, Node and MySQL already installed on your machine. If not, please follow the following guides respectively:

Note these installation and setup instructions are based on Linux experience only.

Environment Setup:

(1) Run the following commands on Terminal:

git clone https://github.com/mk4111/topo.git` on command line.
cd topo
npm install

(2) Check that a MySQL database instance is running with:

sudo service mysql status

If 'off', run:

sudo service mysql start

(3) Log into your mysql instance wit the following command:

mysql --user=root --password

This will prompt you for your password to in as 'root' user. If it doesn't exist already (check with the command show databases), create a database called 'topo' with the following command:

create database topo

If a database with that name already exists, 'drop' the database with the command: drop database topo. Once the database has been created, you now must 'choose' to use it with the following command: use topo; Create a new file and name it .env. Save this file to the root of this application. Set 'SQL_PASSWORD=' to the password you just entered.

(4) Import Data. The contents of the CSV files which have been generated into .sql commands using http://www.convertcsv.com/csv-to-sql.htm).

  • Open server/db/lib/init.sql; copy and paste the text into your mysql command line to create an instance of a table called 'road'. If run correctly, you should get a response that says:
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

(5) Now open another terminal, and run npm run start to get the app running. Once you see server running on localhost:3000, open a browser and go to localhost:3000. The app is now ready.

Task Objectives:

(1) Graph each ROAD. (2 roads)

  • Setup graphing library
  • For each road, extract segment length and elevation data from .CSV into arrays.
  • Display graph where x=road length (incorporates segment data), y=elevation at beginning and end of each segment.
  • Once graph for one road displays, move data into mySQL database.
    • Setup Express and mySQL --> how to architect data?
    • Make simple HTTP requests.
    • Create methods library for each SQL command to withdraw required data.

(2) Display the gradients for each of the SEGMENTS over the length of each ROAD.

  • Current idea: onhover over a segment, display gradient for that segment.

(3) Display the average elevation for each segment.


(4) Graph the delta of the two road gradients.

(5) Graph additional, interesting comparative info between the two roads.

(6) Plot a polyline of the two Roads on a Google Map via Google Maps API.

Stack Choice: