This is a small animation of how to obtain the coordinates of vertices of a pentagram.
Both polar and Cartesian coordinates are depicted (the distance from the center
The animation was created using reanimate, a Haskell
library for the creation of animations.
If you never used reanimate check out their tutorial or read about it in my blog posts (coming soon).
If you have some experience with reanimate use the following command to compile a gif (after you have cloned the repo):
stack src/Main.hs -- render --format gif --compile -w 965 -h 540 -o src/Pentagram.gif
Note: You can change the resolution of the gif if you want, but keep a ratio of 16/9.
This should result in the following gif:
It should be located in src
and you can open it with a internet browser or a image
viewer, which is capable of running gifs.