
Program for calculating Merkle Tree Root. Can be run directly as an escript executable or via Docker.

Available flags:

  • --input - required; path to the input text file that contains ordered hex-encoded hashes of transactions, one per line.
  • --type - optional; default btc; type of blockchain for which the Merkle Tree root should be calculated, supported options are btc or basic.
    • For btc type transaction hashes bytes are reversed and double sha256 hashing is used.
    • For basic type no bytes reversion is applied and single sha256 hashing is used.


  • Elixir 1.14.0
  • Erlang 25.1

Running using escript

This method requires having Erlang and Elixir installed.

Run the following commands:

cd <project-root>
make escript-build
./merkle_root --input <path-to-input-file> --type <type>

NOTE: make sure the produced escript has executable rights (chmod +x merkle_root)

Running using docker

Run the following commands:

cd <project-root>
make docker-build
# make sure to use an absolute path to a file e.g. `INPUT_FILE_PATH="$(pwd)/txs.txt"`
INPUT_FILE_PATH=<path-to-input-file> TYPE=<type> make docker-run

NOTE: Tested on MacOS with Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701

Preparing sample transactions input file

In order to prepare a sample input file test fixtures can be used.

For btc type one could use the following command:

cd <project-root>
cat test/fixtures/btc_blocks.json | jq '.[0]' | jq .tx | jq '.[].hash' | sed 's/"//g' > sample_txs.txt

For basic type one could just use <project-root>/test/fixtures/basic_txs.txt.

Potential optimizations

Regarding potential optimizations, the calculations could be performed in batches concurrently. For example, transaction hashes could be split into as many parts as there are active Erlang schedulers on the machine. Each batch could then be handled by a separate Erlang process. However, this approach has tradeoffs, such as spawning new processes, gathering results, and preparing batches of data (if transactions are stored in a list, calculating its length and accessing arbitrary subsets of elements is not efficient since it is a linked list underneath).

For memory optimization, processing one batch of transactions at a time could be used. This solution also has a cost, as figuring out the batches might take time and resources. There is no ultimate solution; it all depends on the particular use case.