
Investigating continuous activation sampling for sparse neural networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

The idea

It boils down to: "what if sparsely connected neurons could slowly move their connection points around?". I achieve this by interpolating each layer's activations at points parameterized by the next layer!


I develop inside of the January 2024 edition of the Nvidia PyTorch Docker image. docker run -it -d -v /workspace:/workspace nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:24.01-py3

Repo structure

Implementations are in src, training script is in scripts, and sanity-checks I wrote while implementing stuff are in tests. experiments.md is a log where I track the results of different design choices and hyperparams. The training script expects CIFAR-100 to be in a folder called data, which is included in .gitignore so I don't accidentally attempt to push the dataset.