GPS Helper

Based on GPSHelper by CrazyDave137, seemingly abandoned and non-functional. I picked it up, cleaned it a bit, and fixed issues with string filtering. Commands are the same, I just fixed some internals and minor performance issuese that nobody would have noticed anyway.

Code available on GitHub.


[string] denotes an optional parameter. You may provide it, or leave it blank.

When adding a GPS, it will be used as the base name. Omitting will use the Player name instead.

When filtering, providing an argument will try to do a substring match (‘contains’) on the GPS name, description, and hexadecimal string representation of the colour.

  • /gpsx [string] creates a GPS point at current location, noting the local planet in the description. An auto-incrementing hexadecimal auto-ID string is appended to uniquely identify each GPS.
  • /gpsx_reset resets the auto-incrementing auto-ID. Does not modify existing GPS.
  • /gps_export [string] export all matching GPS to clipboard. No argument exports all GPS.
  • /gps_toggle [string] toggle visibility of all matching GPS. No argument toggles all GPS.
  • /gps_off [string] turn visibility of matching GPS off. No argument toggles all GPS.
  • /gps_on [string] turn visibility of matching GPS on. No argument toggles all GPS.
  • /gps_remove [string] remove all matching GPS. No argument removes all GPS. WARNING: Can not be undone!


  • CrazyDave137 for authoring the original mod
  • Digi for putting up with my endless flood of questions and being an all round nice chap