
Please see run.jl in order to run the simulations shown in the Overleaf document. Here's an overview of the code:

  1. NeuralPopSoma{Area,Type} is a method that creates a point neuron model in region Area (can be either Cortex or Thalamus at this point) of type Type (Inhibitory/Excitatory)
  2. Two NeuralPopSoma can be grouped into one NeuralArea, for which the function Par computes all impermeants and leak conductances
  3. The method BioNM constructs the neural mass that couples multiple areas, via BioNM.conn. Note that BioNM.areas is a vector of type NeuralArea. The first element of this vector receives stimulation
  4. Change the hyperparameters using the method HyperParam
  5. solve(nm::BioNM), plot(nm::BioNM), plot_syn(nm::BioNM,1) solves the system, plot ion dynamics and plot synaptic currents respectively.