LLAMA2 Chatbot Example

This respository provides a code example of using the quantized LLAMA 2 model with the llama_cpp library, deployed with the Flask framework. It is intended to run on kubernetes PODs in the future. Communication between the server and client is established through requests. The graphical user interface, written in the Streamlit environment, visualizes the model's responses.


  1. Python environment with the following dependencies installed:

    1. llama_cpp_python==0.2.62
    2. streamlit==1.33.0
    3. Flask==3.0.3
    4. requests==2.31.0
  2. Downloaded quantized LLAMA 2 model in .gguf extension from Hugging Face repository.

TThe choice of model strictly depends on the application's purpose, and multiple quantized LLAMA models are available. However, manual quantization is also possible. Check out the source https://towardsdatascience.com/quantize-llama-models-with-ggml-and-llama-cpp-3612dfbcc172 which clearly explains the process of quantization of existing model to .gguf format.

Project structure explanation

  1. app.py -> Graphical user interface for communication between client and a server. It supports LLM parameter modification which are passed within web request to the server.
  2. app_server.py -> Flask implementation of server providing response in streaming form from the chosen model.
  3. config.json -> All necessary arguments for running an application locally. This includes specifying the ports for running the application and the prompt format passed to the model on the server's side.
  4. utils.py -> Some helper methods for server response generation and prompt processing.
  5. templates -> Directory with several prompt processing templates available. The choice of the appropriate template depends on the selected model and the training method.

Running an application

  1. First terminal python3 app_server.py
  2. Second terminal streamlit run app.py