DevOps Intern Programming Skill Test

General requirements for the following tasks:

  • Consider and apply the appropriate script structure (assume OOP or functional style upon your personal preferences)
  • Consider the proper code format (PEP8 or similar)
  • To get started with task execution proceed with following steps:
    • Fork this repository
    • Create separate branch for each script, consider the meaningful branch names
    • Merge branches into the master before pushing back to Github
    • On completion send back pull request

1. Python programming test
Consider implementing the following script with any Python version you’re most comfortable with. Code must be in working condition for the mentioned Python version.

Implement the following functionality:  
  - Generate string contains 10 letters (both cases) followed by 3 digits.  
  - Reverse the string.  
  - Write both strings to the file.

2. Shell scripting test
Consider implementing the following script with any reasonably latest Bash/zsh version you're most comfortable with. Code must be in working condition for the mentioned shell version.

Implement the following functionality:
  - Generate a list of top 10 CPU consuming processes sorted in descending order.
  - In current directory create 10 sub-directories named dir1, dir2,..,dir10.
  - Inside each created directory create a file with the same index like in the directory name, i.e. file1 in dir1, file2 in dir2 etc.
  - Into each file write the 1 line from the list of processes.