
Beauty products recommendation engine, popularity based filter, content-based filter, collaborative model-based filter, hybrid filter

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

python-3.7.9 scikit-learn-0.23.2 pandas-1.1.3 nltk-3.5 scikit-surprise-1.1.1 License: GPL v3

Recommendation Engine

A product recommendation is just like a filtering system that seeks to predict and show the items that a user would like to purchase. It may not be entirely accurate, but if it shows what user would like then basically it is doing its job right.

Dataset Information

All_beauty dataset is taken from Per-category data released as Amazon review data in 2018.
The dataset is divided into two parts:

  • All_Beauty.json.gz
    This dataset contains reviews (371,345 reviews).

    features about
    overall rating of the product
    verified Verified review or not
    reviewerID ID of the reviewer
    asin ID of the product
    reviewerName name of the reviewer
    reviewText text of the review
    summary summary of the review
    unixReviewTime time of the review (unix time)
    vote helpful votes of the review
  • meta_All_Beauty.json.gz
    This dataset contains metadata (32,992 products)

    features about
    title name of the product
    description description of the product
    also_buy -
    brand brand name
    rank sales rank information
    also_view -
    details product and shipping details
    similar_item similar product table
    price price in US dollars (at time of crawl)
    asin ID of the product

Project Details

  1. EDA

    • Check for missing data and other mistakes.
    • Gain maximum insight into the data set and its underlying structure.
    • Uncover a parsimonious model, one which explains the data with a minimum number of predictor variables.
    • Check assumptions associated with any model fitting or hypothesis test.
    • Create a list of outliers or other anomalies.
    • Find parameter estimates and their associated confidence intervals or margins of error.
    • Identify the most influential variables.
  2. Data Cleaning & Preprocessing

    • Impute missing data.
    • Remove noise from Data.
  3. Generating Sentiments

    • Data Preperation
      • Remove unwanted characters (eg. ",. etc.) and HTML tags (if present)
      • Remove stopwords (eg. a an the in if etc.)
      • Normalize the data by stemming (PorterStemmer is used here)
      • Vectorize the data (CountVectorizer is used here)
      • Scale the data if required.
      • Sampling data for training and testing purposes.
    • Building Model
      • Use Classification model for classifying positive, negative and neutral words.
      • Train the model on Train data.
    • Model Testing
      • Test the model against the Test data
    • Building Final model
    • Generating sentiments on actual data.
  4. Apply Popularity based filtering

    • Userecommend from recommendation_filters.popularity_filter module, to get a list of most popular products.
  5. Apply Content Based filtering

    • Import recommendation_filters.content_based_filter module.
    • Use cbf_data to prepare data for content based filtering.
    • Use indices to generate index Series.
    • Use cosine_sim to generate similarity matrix.
    • Use recommend to get recommendations.
  6. Apply Model-based collaborative filtering

    • Import models.collaborative_model_based module.
    • Use train to train the model.
    • Use recommend to get recommendations.
  7. Apply Hybrid filtering

    • Combination of popularity based, content based, model-based collaborative filters results in a very robust filter that can recommend products in most conditions even in worst condition that is when input data is not present in model.
    • One of many approaches is used in main.py


Justifying recommendations using distantly-labeled reviews and fined-grained aspects

Jianmo Ni, Jiacheng Li, Julian McAuley Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2019