
Primary LanguagePython


Kartsgym is environment to train ai agent to drive kart in track.

The goal of this project to create realistic model of driving kart and use AI-based method to train agents.

Observation space

Agent get information about:

  • kart's velocity in forward direction
  • kart's angular velocity
  • kart's distance to nearest obstacle in 5 directions

observation image


Every frame agent can decide how much throttle he wants to use:

  • <-1, 0) is break with force(or reversing)
  • 0 is neutral
  • (0, 1> is force forward

Also agent can decide of wheel rotation in radian from <-0.66, 0.66>


Default environment(normal) reward is:

  • -1 for each frame
  • +250 for each checkpoint
  • -1000000 for disqualification(hitting the railing, or going to previous checkpoint)
  • -100 if agent sum reward went to 0 (too much frames without new checkpoint)

Simulation ends when agent will be in every checkpoint or if agent was disqualified.

Alternative agent rewards:

  • STEPS - as reward agent get number of steps in simulation
  • DISTANCE - as reward agent get distance to nearest obstacle
  • VELDISTANCE - the same as DISTANCE but multiplied by velocity


Currently our environment only support one track, but new trackes can be added by creating svg track with checkpoint in it.

Circle Track

Agents types

In kartsgym currenty we have few agents types:

  • RandomAgent - every agent move is random
  • RuleAgent - agent is using some basic logic to drive forward
  • QAgent - agent learned by Q fuction algorithm
  • DNQAgent - agent learned by simulating neural network Q function.


To install dependencies one will need to have poetry. Then one can simply install dependencies executing:

poetry install


To use kartsgym one can execute it from console:

python -m kartsgym [-h] -t TYPE [-n NAME] [-a ALFA] [-g GAMMA] [-b BACKETS] [-ab ACTION_BACKETS] [-e EPOCHS] [-r REWARD]

Help information:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  type of agent
  -n NAME, --name NAME  name of agent to test
  -a ALFA, --alfa ALFA  alfa for QAgent
  -g GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
                        gamma for QAgent
  -b BACKETS, --backets BACKETS
                        observation backets for QAgent
  -ab ACTION_BACKETS, --action_backets ACTION_BACKETS
                        observation backets for QAgent
  -e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
                        epochs for Agent
  -r REWARD, --reward REWARD
                        reward system for Agent

Training agents

Example commands to train models:

python -m kartsgym -t DNQ -e 200 -r DISTANCE
python -m kartsgym -t DNQ -e 200 -r VELDISTANCE

python -m kartsgym -t Q -e 10000 -r STEPS -ab 6 -b 8
python -m kartsgym -t Q -e 10000 -r NORMAL

Evaluating agent

Example commands to evaluate agents

python -m kartsgym -t Random
python -m kartsgym -t Rule
python -m kartsgym -t Q -n q-7c6391af3b.pkl
python -m kartsgym -t DNQ -n dnq-d98ba283fd.h5