
Primary LanguageVim Script



  • bash_profil
  • bashrc
  • tmux.conf
  • vimrc
  • Brewfile
  • setup


  1. copy your ssh private key to new machine
  2. add key to keychain with ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  3. clone dotfiles into ~/dotfiles
  4. run ~/dotfiles/setup
  5. Make some manual adjustments such as: 5.1 iTerm2 add color gruvbox schema https://github.com/herrbischoff/iterm2-gruvbox 5.2 Start tmux at iTerm start add tmux attach -t base || tmux new -s base under Preferences/Profiles/General/send text at start 5.2 iTerm2 change cursor setting to now override with vim settings: Disable Preferences/Profiles/Colors/smart box cursor color