A test application that implements a seed data, recurrence job for updating all entries at once and provides API for fetching records by given criteria.
To start your Foo app:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create, migrate and seed your database with 1_000_000 users, use
mix ecto.setup
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can fetch users and last timestamp by calling localhost:3000
from your browser.
- responsible for API and recurrence job
- module for different time-related manipulations
- a context that wraps operations with Foo.User schema
- a module that handles Ecto queries for users
As I understood the goal of the tasks was to create a process that can finish a recurrence job of Update a big set of records in an adequate time (at least less than recurrence job interval time) for the synchronous requests to GenServer.
Despite of it was not a real
task and business requirements are not clear I've tried as
much as possible to write code in a way that new functionality can be added easily later.
Considering this you may notice some modules (Users.Query, Foo.Users, Foo.Time, configuration for Foo.Generator) that is not needed in the scale of this task
but they may be useful if you need to extend API, add configure, other functionality later.
Some specs are missing. I've added some naive moduledocs. Tests are in place but maybe it's missing some edge case scenarios.