GET /users

get list of all users for testing purpose

POST /users

user creation, allowed for all

  "name": "Jonh",
  "type": "manager"

GET /tasks?token=!231342fsafasf==&lat=34.323&lng=32.312

allowed for drivers

POST /tasks

task creation, only allowed for managers

{  "task":
     "description": "Some awesome task",
     "pickup": [12.12, 13.13],
     "delivery": [13.12, 13,14]
   "token": "Ufo1De5LfqvL9vSyTJh16w=="

PUT /tasks/assign

allowed for driver; task must have new state; "id" is for task id

  "token": "GAdf134gdfg234==",
  "id": "_1231fsadf324wqf"

PUT /tasks/done

allowed for driver; task must be assigned by same user; "id" is for task id

  "token": "GAdf134gdfg234==",
  "id": "_1231fsadf324wqf"