Implementation of neural network techniques for classification and ranking with sparse data in Python. This is based off of the Monte gradient based learning package by Roland Memisevic.
Sparse feature dictionary file format
Per-weight adaptive momentum stochastic gradient descent
Several other gradient descent trainers
Implementation of simple classification
Implementation of the RankNet pairwise ranking model
By Matt Kayala, University of California, Irvine. Main code licensed under GPL, included monte version licensed under included license file. See LICENSE.txt and monte/LICENSE for details.
The included monte module is based on verion 0.1.0 of the main code. Minor changes have been made:
- All pylab imports have been removed (as they are unnecessary).
- Auto importing of sub-modules has been removed.
The code requires Python 2.5+ (though the tests might only work in 2.7), NumPy 1.6+, and SciPy 0.9.0+.
Simply place on your python path and you can
import nnutils
Below are some short examples about how to use for classification. The rank usage is similar, but requires a slightly different id file format. Run the python scripts with --help to see available options.
Given a list of dictionaries, write them to a zipped file.
import gzip
from nnutils.Util import FeatureDictWriter
fdlist = [{'a':1, 'b':2}, {'b':3, 'z':4}]
ofs ='raw.fd.gz', 'w')
writer = FeatureDictWriter(ofs)
[writer.update(d) for d in fdlist]
Given a zipped feature dict and a mapfile (pickled dictionary mapping keys to positions in a feature vector), calculate normalization params, and normalize data. (Right now only supports shift/scale to [-1, 1] range). Can also normalize another file given the params calculated from a first fd file.
python nnutils/ -p normparams.pkl mapfile.pkl raw.fd.gz norm.fd.gz
python nnutils/ mapfile.pkl normparams.pkl otherraw.fd.gz othernorm.fd.gz
Given a mapfile (pickled dictionary mapping fd keys to positions in feature vector), and command line options, write out a pickled file containing the architecture settings for a nn model.
python nnutils/classify/ --numhidden=10 --decay=0.1 --online mapfile.pkl archmodel.pkl
Run with --help to see all available options.
Given the normalized fd file, a setup arch model file, and a white-space delimited id file of the format [rowid, otherid, class[0/1]], train a model:
python nnutils/classify/ archmodel.pkl norm.fd.gz idfile.txt train.archmodel.pkl
python nnutils/classify/ train.archmodel.pkl norm.fd.gz idfile.txt predictions.txt
The sparse feature file representation is based off of code from Jonathan Chen and Josh Swamidass at the University of California, Irvine.