
A collection of utility scripts for Better Touch Tool.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A collection of utility scripts, written in TypeScript, for Better Touch Tool (hereinafter BTT).

Uses BTT's "Run JavaScript for Automation" to execute the compiled TypeScript as JXA (JavaScript for Automation; learn more here).


The compiled JavaScript is available within the out directory. See the below sections for what each module does.

Outside of BTT:

  1. Create a JSON caching file. This is used to persist states used in-between actions. The default location is /tmp/betterTouchTool.json, but you must manually create it first.

     touch /tmp/betterTouchTool.json
     echo "{}" > /tmp/betterTouchTool.json

Within BTT:

  1. Create a trigger:
  2. Select "Assigned Actions" and therein search for "Run JavaScript for Automation (async in the background)" (async is critical here).
  3. Click the "Source Type" and select "Apple JavaScript for Automation"
  4. Finally, copy and paste the code - into the text box below "Run" - from a chosen file in out; thirds/one/left.js for example.
  5. Save, and you're done 🎉.

You can find an example set of my BTT presets here.

For resizing the current window by 1 or 2 thirds increments. Each 1 or 2 third sub-dir contains two files: left and right. Calling left from BTT will advance the current window to the next n-segment of the screen. If the current screen is at the edge of the display, it will wrap back around to the right-most side thereof - conversely for calling right.


 npm install && rollup -c rollup.config.js

rollup.js is used to bundle and compile the TypeScript code into JavaScript executable by BTT. Executing the above will install the necessary packages, thereupon running rollup.

Facilitates the caching of JSON state objects between calls to BTT.

The "states" then are arrays of objects that contain information necessary to execute a BTT process. Example entry:

        BTTTriggerType: -1,
        BTTTriggerTypeDescription: "Please Select a Trigger ",
        BTTTriggerClass: "BTTTriggerTypeOtherTriggers",
        BTTPredefinedActionType: 108,
        BTTPredefinedActionName: "Resize window to Left Third",
        BTTEnabled2: 1,
        BTTAlternateModifierKeys: 0,
        BTTUUID: "5511861E-8666-4566-B7BE-AAD91F2BD108",
        BTTEnabled: 1,
        BTTModifierMode: 0,
        BTTOrder: 1,
        BTTDisplayOrder: 0,
        BTTMergeIntoTouchBarGroups: 0

Which can be found be right-clicking on an action within BTT, and selecting "copy".


A wrapper for reading, writing, and manipulating the aforesaid JSON object.


Bi-directionally advances an integer state counter (zero-indexed, used for indexing into the aforesaid states array), wrapping around as necessary. For example, if you have 10 states, and are currently at state 9, and then move one step right, the counter will wrap back around to 0.