
A Simple Keylogger for Linux written in Python

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


A Simple Keylogger for Linux written in Python using the pyxhook module which is an implementation of pyhook module (for Windows OS).


  • reduced CPU utilization ( removed "mouse move" hook )
  • organized output (grouped chars with the same "window context", showing the process name and the time).
	# 2016-02-09 11:36:41 : Mirko Conti - Mozilla Firefox [ Navigator ]
	 e x a m p l e space o f space t e x t

	# 2016-02-09 11:38:05 : *pyxhook.py (~/Documents/py-key) - gedit [ gedit ]
	 space c o d e space Shift_L percent space 2 Control_L


  • python 2.7
  • python-xlib


Get the code
git clone https://github.com/mkcn/py-keylogger.git
Set the directory
cd py-keylogger

Default log file: file.log (set in "kl.py")

Run the keylogger
python kl.py 
Run in background
nohup python kl.py -r > output &
Auto start (Ubuntu)

"Startup applications" → "Add"

  • name : "py-key"
  • Command : "python ~/py-keylogger/kl.py"
  • Exit : 'Control_L' then '+' to exit


Visit the original project