
Quest Quest the easiest most mind-numbing RPG ever made.

Primary LanguageClojure

Quest Quest

Quest Quest the easiest most mind-numbing RPG ever made.


In Quest Quest your quest is to quest quests. Many perilous challenges await in this unique and deeply personal adventure.


  • android/src Android-specific code
  • desktop/resources Images, audio, and other files
  • desktop/src Desktop-specific code
  • desktop/src-common Cross-platform game code
  • ios/src iOS-specific code


All projects can be built using Nightcode, or on the command line using Leiningen with the lein-droid and lein-fruit plugins.


Copyright Mikaela Patella. Most Rights Unobserved, lol

Any usage in good faith is welcome. If you're not sure just message me; I probably won't mind.