
Ansible bootstrapping for bare-metal hq.mkdevops.se server

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Ansible bootstrapping for bare-metal hq.mkdevops.se server.


  1. Provide secure, reliable and capable jump-server for the nice guys at Midsommarkransen DevOps AB
  2. Offload long-running background jobs, e.g. cross Atlantic data transfers, batch processing
  3. Learn efficient use of VPN clients from Linux command line
  4. Permanent hosting of solutions that could be moved away from our Google Cloud Platform projects

Server Baseline


OS: AlmaLinux 8.9 minimal (install 2024-03-21)
CPUs: 4 (i5-7200 2.50 GHz, fanless)
Memory: 32 GB (DDR4 SDRAM, 2133 MHz)
Disk: 2 TB SSD (Kingston NV1 M.2)
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 620
  - enp3s0, Gigabit Ethernet (default)
  - enp0s31f6, Gigabit Ethernet
  - wlp2s0, 802.11ac

LVM Partitioning:

Volume Pool Size FS Mount Point
/dev/almalinux_hq/root sys 100G xfs /
tmpfs sys 16G xfs /dev/shm/
/dev/almalinux_hq/home sys 500G xfs /home
/dev/nvme0n1p1 599M vfat /boot/efi
/dev/nvme0n1p2 1024M xfs /boot

Hostname-Port Allocations (DEPRECATED, REMOVE!)

Hostname Port Comment
hq.mkdevops.se 8070 Reserved
test.mkdevops.se 8071 Reserved (misc testing)
id.mkdevops.se 8072 Reserved (for OAuth2 provider project)
www.mkdevops.se 8073 www.mkdevops.se WordPress site
staging-www.mkdevops.se 8074 www.mkdevops.se WordPress staging site
bamboo.mkdevops.se 8085 Test server for mkdevops-se/bamboo-ci-health
konfigurator.mkdevops.se 3000 See mkdevops-se/konfigurator project
kibana.mkdevops.se 5601 Kibana setup for Titan-Elastic

Getting Started

Clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:mkdevops-se/hq.mkdevops.se.git
cd hq.mkdevops.se/

Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Add the Ansible Vault password to a file named .ansible_vault_password and restrict readability:

echo theSecretAnsibleVaultPassword > .ansible_vault_password
chmod og-r .ansible_vault_password

Run through the bootstrap playbook to configure the server:

ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml --ask-become-pass --diff