
A syntax highlighting package for note files in atom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Atom Note Syntax Highlighting

Atom syntax highlighting for personal note files, denoted with the .note extension.

Syntax highlighting scheme applies to section headings, not the text of the notes directly. Each section heading uses a colon delimited key value pair format, with all keys colored in green (#859900). Section headings should be at the start of a new line, and the key should be written in all caps Section heading.


DATE: 01-01-2018
TASK: Create documentation for new API endpoints

Section keys and highlighting Scheme

The follow list denotes each key that can be used.

KEY Key Color Value Color
DATE #859900 #D33682
HOURS #859900 #268BD2
INCIDENT #859900 #DC322F
INFO #859900 #6C71C4
MEETING #859900 #B58900
TAGS #859900 #268BD2
TASK #859900 #CB4B16
TODO #859900 #DC322F


Install the package language-note in Atom (Preferences->Packages) or Atom's package manager from a shell:

$ apm install language-note