Playground for ECS terraform deployment and app development

How to run?


  • Terraform installed
  • Docker installed
  • AWS cli setup


  • Currently this is set to deploy to eu-west2 (London)
  • There is hard set configurations to only allow one service to be configured
  • The ECS cluster is deployed to the default VPC
  • It allows for all traffic !!!! DO NOT RUN THIS FOR EXTENTED PERIODS OF TIME

First setup a aws image registry using

<project root>/

This should give you a registry URL needed for the next command below The run

<project root>/ <ECR registry URL>

The buildAndDeploy script will

  1. Install dependencies locally
  2. Dockerise it to an image
  3. Push to a the aws ECR
  4. Deploy and ECS cluster
  5. Deploy the image to a container running in the ECS cluster
  6. Create a ./
  7. The ECS cluster is made of EC2 t3.micro instances, As this is in the default VPC it is publically accessable, you should be able to do the curls below on an EC2 instance

To do a tear down run ./destroy

The application

The application is a nodejs express app

curl <host>:7070/data

Will retrieve all data of IP to data posted below

curl -X POST <host>:7070/data -d home

Will assosaite the data payload with the IP