
The Mapping Space Project used Arduino UNO, HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensors, and Python with various libraries for data streaming, plotting, and data saving. Its main role was to scan terrain using ultrasonic waves and detect objects within a 200 cm range.

Primary LanguagePython

Mapping Space Project

The main goal of our project was to scan the terrain using ultrasonic waves and detect objects that are closer than 200 cm.

Components used

  1. Arduino UNO
  2. ROHS Step Motor with ULN2003 driver
  3. HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor (2-200cm)
  4. Plastic connector

Languages/libraries used

  • ArduinoIDE (Stepper.h library)

  • Python (pyserial, threading, matplotlib, numpy, Ipython, and PySimpleGUI libraries)

The control of ROHS motor rotation and ultrasonic distance measurement were implemented in ArduinoIDE. Then, the angle and distance to the nearest object were added to the code. A Python program was written to receive data streamed from Arduino and continuously plot it using Python libraries. It also has the ability to save data in a txt file (in the format of angle: distance) or capture a radar image in png format.
