An MkDocs extension to generate documentation for Click command line applications
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Conflicts with front matter
#76 opened by ofek - 0
- 0
Multi-command modules not display correctly
#42 opened by jochman - 5
Documentation only renders when there are at least two spaces at the end of .md file
#50 opened by ieaves - 1
Add to mkdocs wiki plugin overview
#40 opened by timvink - 1
Can't set up - getting `ModuleNotFoundError`
#64 opened by trymzet - 2
No output generated at all
#65 opened by mr-rodgers - 7
Project Status
#66 opened by jorgegomezcq - 0
- 0
Generate the CLI documentation without first having to install the Python package
#63 opened by chester-leung - 6
mkdocs serve command fails can't find module specified in :module: attribute
#46 opened by prowler0305 - 0
Respect clicks docstring `\b` and `\f` markers
#59 opened by DeadNews - 1
`remove_ascii_art` option doesn't work
#57 opened by DeadNews - 0
Escape markdown special characters
#58 opened by DeadNews - 2
Support for language-agnostic documentation
#56 opened by pyhedgehog - 2
Specify subcommands
#54 opened by saroad2 - 3
- 0
- 1
- 0
Support asyncclick?
#38 opened by makkus - 0
- 6
Print options in a sleek table format
#11 opened by yudai-nkt - 0
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- 1
Underscore becomes hyphen in usage
#9 opened by valpesendorfer - 0
Python 3.9 support
#16 opened by florimondmanca - 1
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