Forms re-former

In this project, we created different versions of forms using various methods like form_tag, form_for and vanilla HTML form in the views file, both for creating a new form and updating an existing form.
To achieve this, we generated a user model and a users controller with the sqlite3 being used for storage.
All the form fields have the necessary validations required to check the user input.


Built with

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • Rubocop
  • Sqlite3

Getting started

You'll need to have both Ruby and Rails installed on your computer.

  • In the desired directory, type git clone in the terminal.

  • Then type cd re-former in the terminal to change the directory into the root of the project.

  • Then type bundle install && yarn install to download the necessary gem files for the project.

  • Run rails server to start the server for the application.

  • Open localhost:3000/users/new to start filling in the form and create a new user.

  • Open localhost:3000/users/id/edit to update an existing users' information. Remember to replace the id in the url with user id number such as localhost:3000/users/2/edit.


Author 1

👤Marcelo Araújo

Author 2

👤Roy Mukuye

🤝 contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.


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