In order to run the code,
- Install the required packages:
- matplotlib
- numpy
- Run the main script file
In the beginning of the, the user can modify some of the environment settings:
p_initial = [12, 4] #Initial position of the robot
theta_initial = 3 #Initial orientation of the robot
R_initial = 0.2 #Radius of robot wheels
L_initial = 1.5 #Length of robot base
dT_initial = 0.05 #delta Time (the framing frequency for plotting)
robot_speed = 5 #Base speed of the robot
prox_sensor_radius = 0.5 #Radius of proximity sensor domain
p_light = [18, 18] #Position of light source
obstacle_radius = 1.5 #Radius of the obstacles
p_obstacles = [[6, 7], # Centre coordinates of the obstacles
[5, 16],
[14, 8],
[18, 3]]