
Springboot samples

Primary LanguageJava

Spring boot samples

  • 01-spring5webapp-starter : Quick into to MVC with spring boot, using Thymeleaf templates, jpa hibernate and H2 in-memory database.
  • 02-sf-di : deep dive into dependency injection in Spring boot : component, Service, Controller, Qualifier, Primary, Profile annotations
  • 03-appjokes: small example of controller, services using Thymeleaf templates
  • 04-Spring Framework Configuration: component-scan, java-configuration-based & xml-configuration-based : mutiple choices how to manage DI conflict ,i.e. Service, Qualifier, Primary, Profile, Bean, Configuration annotations, spring-factory-bean is about how to isolate the java based configuration in a Factory config class.
  • 05- External Properties with Spring Framework: property source, spring Environment variables, multiple property files, application.yml properties, overriding properties by using profile specific application property (YAML) which has more precedence over file which doesn't have profile...
  • 06-spring-mvc-recipe : JPA Data Modeling with Spring and Hibernate
  • 07-lombok-recipe: spring-mvc-recipe refactored into a project lombok spring-mvc.
  • 08-Unit-Integration-Test-recipe: unit and integration test with junit4 :

Unit and Integration test consideration : maven-surefire-plugin run the test by default (the unit test), but maven-failsafe-plugin will run the integration test, see pom.xml where we explicitly inlude everything ending with IT.java. in addition, additionalClasspathElements is there because the spring team made a change in the ClassPath and now spring boot JAR laid out and it broke the maven-failsafe-plugin, therefore we need to include this, otherwise we will get an error saying : maven that is unable to find classes.
JUnit Vintage : it's Optional JUnit 5 Library, it Provides a test runner for JUnit 3 and 4 tests using JUnit 5, it also allows easy migration to JUnit 5 Example of pom.xml :

  • 09-CRUD Operations with Spring MVC: CRUD operation on H2 database using Hibernate, upload images, save images into DB (not recommended, use S3 for instance), unit test and integration test

  • 10-spring-mvc-validation-constraints : adding exceptions handling + test :@ResponseStatus annotation, ExceptionHandler with 3 implementations of HandlerExceptionResolver :

    • ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver: Matches uncaught exceptions to @ExceptionHandler
    • ResponseStatusExceptionResolver: Looks for uncaught exceptions matching @ResponseStatus
    • DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver: Converts standard Spring Exceptions to HTTP status codes (Internal to Spring MVC)

i18n: WebMvcProperties.LocaleResolver.FIXED is will look into the JVM for i18n, otherwise spring MVC will look into the header, we DO NOT need to implement the WebMvcConfigurer interface in @Configuration class and override the addInterceptors() which is looking into the headers

WebMvcAutoConfiguration class where the magic happens
		@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "spring.mvc", name = "locale")
		public LocaleResolver localeResolver() {
			if (this.mvcProperties.getLocaleResolver() == WebMvcProperties.LocaleResolver.FIXED) {
				return new FixedLocaleResolver(this.mvcProperties.getLocale());
			AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver localeResolver = new AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver();
			return localeResolver;


There is a Project-sfg-pet-clinic which goes through all of the above.