
Collection of scripts to Invoke an expression with different credentials.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

PSRunAs Analytics

Collection of scripts to Invoke an expression with different credentials.

Each script comes with it's own Invoke-ExpressionAs wrapper.

A prefered solution is offered here: https://github.com/mkellerman/Invoke-CommandAs https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Invoke-CommandAs


Create a ScheduledTask using the provided credentials (Providing the credential is optional).

IMPORTANT: See Invoke-CommandAs implementation for a full solution.


Import-Module .\Invoke-ScheduledJob\Invoke-ExpressionAs.psm1

$Credential = Get-Credential
Invoke-ExpressionAs -Command "& cmd /c notepad.exe" -Credential $Credential


Functionally equivalent to Windows "runas.exe", using Advapi32::CreateProcessWithLogonW (also used by runas under the hood). Uses Add-Type to load the DLL directly in Powershell.

No EXE required.


Import-Module .\Invoke-RunAs\Invoke-ExpressionAs.ps1

$Credential = Get-Credential
Invoke-ExpressionAs -Command "& cmd /c notepad.exe" -Credential $Credential


Functionally equivalent to Windows "runas.exe", using Advapi32::CreateProcessWithLogonW (also used by runas under the hood). Uses Reflection to load the methods from DLL directly in Powershell.

No EXE required.


Import-Module .\Start-ProcessAsUser\Invoke-ExpressionAs.ps1

$Credential = Get-Credential
Invoke-ExpressionAs -Command "& cmd /c notepad.exe" -Credential $Credential


Functionally equivalent to Windows "runas.exe", using Advapi32::CreateProcessWithLogonW (also used by runas under the hood). Uses a modified version of JetBean.runas.exe, with LOGON_NETCREDENTIALS_ONLY.

IMPORTANT: An EXE is required. Will get downloaded from this Repo.


Import-Module .\Invoke-CmdAs\Invoke-ExpressionAs.ps1

$Credential = Get-Credential
Invoke-ExpressionAs -Command "& cmd /c notepad.exe" -Credential $Credential

Example of Invoke-CmdAs function on remote machine

Import-Module .\Copy-Function\Copy-Function.ps1
Import-Module .\Invoke-CmdAs\Invoke-ExpressionAs.ps1

# Establish PSSession to remote machine.
$ComputerName = 'WIN-REMOTEMACHINE' 
$Credential = Get-Credential
$PSSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $Credential

# Copy the Function to the remote session.
Copy-Function -Session $PSSession -Name 'Invoke-ExpressionAs'

# Invoke-ExpressionAs in the remote session.
Invoke-Command -Session $PSSession -ScriptBlock { 

    $Command = "& cmd /c notepad.exe"
    Invoke-ExpressionAs -Credential $Using:Credential -Command $Command
