
IRTF SpeX instrument reduction for the 60 arcsec slit in low-resolution mode.

Primary LanguagePython


IRTF SpeX instrument reduction for the 60 arcsec slit in low-resolution mode.

Nominal example

  1. Process calibration (flats, arcs) data. Files will automatically be grouped and results saved to the directory "cal-YYYYMMDD":

    from glob import glob
    from spex60 import Prism60
    spex = Prism60()
  2. Reduce telluric calibrator.

    import os
    from glob import glob
    from spex60 import Prism60
    # generally, file lists need to be sorted (allows for ABBA sequence finding)
    files = sorted(glob('bigdog/spec*.fits'))
    spex = Prism60()
    stack, var, headers = spex.read_numbered(files, between=[19, 28], pair=True)
    # median combine
    im, var, header = spex.median_combine(stack, variances, headers, axis=0)
    # save image
    if not os.path.exists('rx-20151229'):
    spex.save_image(im, var, header, 'rx-20151229/hd3266a.fits')
  3. Extract spectrum of telluric calibrator:

    rap = 30
    bgap = 50, 100
    spex.peak(im, ex_rap=rap, bgap=bgap)
    spex.extract(im, header, rap, bgap=bgap)
  4. Reduce target images:

    stack, variances, headers = spex.read_numbered(
    	files, between=[3, 12], pair=True)
    im, var, header = spex.median_combine(stack, variances, headers, axis=0)
    spex.save_image(im, var, header, 'rx-20151229/c2013x1.fits')
  5. Check the aperture definitions for the object (and revise as needed):

    bgap = 100, 130
    spex.peak(stack[0], ex_rap=rap, bgap=bgap)
  6. Extract target spectra, file-by-file, using the trace from the telluric standard. Append extracted spectra to the SpeX data object, keeping the already extracted telluric standard:

    for i in range(len(stack)):
    	spex.peak(stack[i], ex_rap=rap, bgap=bgap, plot=False)
    	spex.extract(stack[i], headers[i], rap, var=variances[i], bgap=bgap, append=True)
  7. Plot raw spectra:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig = plt.figure()
    for i in range(len(spex.spec)):
    	plt.plot(spex.wave[i], spex.spec[i])
  8. Save profiles and raw spectra:

    if not os.path.exists('spex-20151229'):
  9. Combine target spectra, plot, and save:

import numpy as np
wave = np.ma.mean(spex.wave[1:], 0)
spec, var, h = spex.median_combine(spex.spec[1:], spex.var[1:], spex.h[1:])
plt.plot(wave, spec, color='k')