
A refactor of a node / react monorepo to use typescript and updated dependencies

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This site/app is a work in progress.

Getting Started

I should note that most of these instructions were carried out on MacOS, so some things might require a little more research for other platforms.


You'll need to create a .env.development file at a minimum to integrate the client with the server. In it you should type GATSBY_API_URL=http://localhost:8080 or whereever you're running the server.

MongoDB setup


  1. brew tap mongodb/brew
  2. brew update
  3. brew install mongodb-community@6.0
  4. brew services start mongodb-community@6.0
  5. brew services stop mongodb-community@6.0 (we're going to start it manually for authentication reasons)

Setting up MongoDB

To set up MongoDB do the following:

1. Start MongoDB without access control (/data/db or where your db is).

mongod --dbpath $(brew --prefix)/var/mongodb Connect to the instance.

mongosh Create the user.

use api-development

  user: 'admin',
  pwd: 'replace-with-your-password',
  roles: [{ role: 'readWrite', db: 'api-development' }],

Stop the MongoDB instance and start it again with access control.

mongod --auth --dbpath $(brew --prefix)/var/mongodb

Connect and authenticate as the user.

use api-development db.auth("admin", "replace-with-your-passowrd")

It should output { ok: 1 } if you have authenticated.

The uri passed to mongoose connect should be the following for local development:


2. Set env variables


Don't escape any special characters in your password. Copy the .env.development.sample file to a new .env.development file you must create in the server directory.


You'll also need to assign RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY for the reCAPTCHA functionality. Additionally, create the server .env.development in the server directory, and set RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY You can obtain values for these keys respectively by going to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin.

  1. cd into client and run npm install
  2. Then, run gatsby develop
  3. From the root directory cd into server and run npm install
  4. Then, run npm run dev. NOTE: you will need to have a MongoDB instance installed and configured in the file ./config/env/development.

This should be enough to get you up and running. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at michauxkelley@gmail.com.

Inspiration and code attributions

This project was initially based on what I learned from the following repo:


