
A simple make like program to build programs for the Teensy board.

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


A simple make like program to build programs for the Teensy boards by PJRC.

To use it, simply run teensy_builder from the root directory of your project. You also need a couple of configuration files described below.

Config files

The builder expect two configuration files in INI format in the current directory (the root of your program). One should be named builder.conf and the other local.conf.

The builder.conf file

That file should be checked in the same source control system as the rest of the program. It should contain the following sections and values:

  • [main]: this section specify the how the program should behave.
    • target: the board for which the program should be built. This can be teensy30, teensy31, teensy32, or teensylc. This is the only value that is mandatory in this section.
    • name: the name of the program. This will be used for the name of the binary files (if not set, the default is teensy_prog).
    • cpufreq: the frequency in MHz to which the board should be set. The allowed values depend on the target that was selected. The default is 48.
    • usbtype: the type of USB peripheric to emulate. The default is serial.
    • keyboard: the keyboard layout to emulate. Used only when emulating a HID peripheric. The default is US_ENGLISH.
    • optimize: the optimization mode to use with GCC. This can be one of 0, 1, 2, 3, s, g, or fast. The default is s.
  • [libs]: this section list the libraries to build in the program. The name of each value is arbitrary and is only used to identify the library. The associated value is the relative path of that library from the folder of the configuration file. It is mendatory that one of the library is named teensy_core and points to the Teensy 3 library of PJRC (available here). Usually there will be at least one other library with your source code. The order of the libraries matter: they should be given in the order in which they should be linked (so usually the teensy_core library will be the first and our own code will be the last).

Example of a builder.conf file:



The local.conf file

This file provides some value that are local to your computer, hence it should not be checked-in with the rest of the source code.

  • [paths]: this section (the only one currently in this file) gives the paths to the tools needed to build the program.
    • compiler: the full path to the directory holding the ARM version of GCC on your system. This option is mendatory.
    • compiler_prefix: the common prefix used for the name of the GNU tools. The default is arm-none-eabi- and it should be the correct value in most case.
    • tools: the full path to the directory holding the Teensy tools provided by PJRC. This directory should hold the teensy.exe, teensy_post_compile.exe, and some other binaries.

Example of a local.conf file:

compiler=C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\arm\bin
tools=C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools