
2015: Do pobierania liczby rowerów na stacjach trm24.pl - Toruńskiego Roweru Miejskiego. Successor of https://github.com/mkf/trmusercli

Primary LanguagePython


You can use the current source code or the latest release, although since now I want to make the master branch always working. Currently, all the options available in release v0.2 and some more of them are available in the current code too. The only difference is that the current code isn't powered by a bash script, but entirely in Python, which gives an ability to run it on any platform, it works faster, and some of the functions doen't exist yet, so they just won't do anything. When I'll make all the functions working, I'll make an announcement here, and since then all the features shown as available will be available indeed. From now as I'm writing this, just the basic features are available (one-by-one downloading and putting in in the basic work modes into the standard output (terminal/command-line).

A script for getting the count of bicycles present on the trm24.pl stations. Skrypcik do liczby rowerów na stacjach trm24.pl.


python trmstacli.py [OPTIONS-OPCJE]


python trmstacli.py --help

I know it's a bit messy, but it has all the information you need.