
TailwindCSS admin dashboard panel with built-in components.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Tailboard is a TailwindCSS admin dashboard panel with built-in components.

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Run below command to download Tailboard:

git clone https://github.com/mkfizi/tailboard.git project-name

project-name is the name of your project's directory.

Run below command to install dependencies.

npm install

Run below command to build Base Component JS codes.

npm run build

Alternatively, you may run below commands:

  • npm run build:prod ─ Build and minify for production.
  • npm run watch ─ Build and watch for changes in real time.
  • npm run watch:prod ─ Build and minify for production and watch for changes in real time.

That's it. You may begin develop your project with Tailboard. Dont forget to remove .git folder and then run git init should you want to push commits to your own repository.

If you never heard of NPM before, this is the best time to start using it since modern web development work best with NPM. Refer to NPM for more informations.


Tailboard is designed to be used on web applications or sites that requires an admin dashboard panel. It eliminates the process of setting up base configurations for project that uses TailwindCSS. It can be further customized and integrated with any frameworks according to your project's requirement.

Note: Tailboard does not include bundler tools such as webpack or parcel since it is a bare-bone boilerplate and we want it to be adaptable with any development stacks.


Tailboard include some features as below:

Built-in Components

Tailboard include some built-in components for rapid development with minimal implementation using vanilla Javascript. These components consist as below:

  • Alert
  • Collapse
  • Dropdown
  • Modal
  • Sidebar

Dark Mode Toggle

Tailboard include a dark mode toggle built using vanilla Javascript which utilizes dark mode feature in TailwindCSS. Dark mode theme switches between value of theme key stored in browser's local storage. If the key is not existed when the site is loaded for the first time, dark mode theme will uses value according to device's current theme setting.

You may customize dark mode scripts located in app.js that suits your need.

Viewport Fix for Mobile Browsers

Tailboard include a fix for the notorious viewport issue on mobile browsers where it calculate the actual browser's viewport and append the value on targeted classes that use 'vh' unit on it's properties.

Targeted classes are defined in tailwind.config.js by adding calc(var(--vh, 1vh) * [number]) on defined properties where [number] is the number of the viewport height. By default Tailboard append this value on min-h-screen and h-screen classes.

Here is an example on how to extend this feature on other existing or custom classes that uses 'vh' unit on it's properties:

theme: {
    extend: {
        height: {
            "xl": ["50vh", "calc(var(--vh, 1vh) * 50)"],

// CSS output
    height: 50vh // Fallback value
    height: calc(var(--vh, 1vh) * 50) // This is equivalent to 50vh

Refer here on how to further customize tailwind.config.js: TailwindCSS Theme Configuration


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

