
An app back-end written in Node.js for users to store and schedule their to-dos.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

yarukoto - A RESTful TO-DO API

An app back-end written in Node.js for users to store and schedule their to-dos.


  • UUID -- for session IDs
  • Mongoose -- for storing lists and users
  • Express -- for the endpoint routers
  • cookie-parser -- for saving user log in sessions
  • bcrypt -- for hashing passwords

REST Endpoints

Call URI Purpose Required fields
GET /notes Get a list of all notes belonging to the logged in user ---
GET /notes/overdue Get a list of all overdue notes ---
GET /notes/search/:tag Get a list of all notes tagged with the queried tag ---
GET /notes/:id Get a specific note by its ID ---
POST /notes Create a new note with a uniquely generated ID ---
DELETE /notes/:id Delete a specific note by its ID ---
POST /notes/:id Attach a to-do item to the specified note. label
POST /notes/:id/tag Attach a tag to the specified note. tag
DELETE /notes/:id/tag Delete a tag from the specified note. tag
POST /notes/:id/:label/deadline Set the deadline for the specified to-do item deadline
PUT /notes/:id/:label Toggle whether the to-do item is completed or not ---
DELETE /notes/:id/:label Delete the specified to-do item from the note ---
POST /users/login Log in user username,pass
POST /users/register Register user username,pass
DELETE /users/logout Log out ---
DELETE /users/deregister Delete user ---