
Use sendgrid to send zabbix alerts.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Sendgrid Zabbix Alert

Evolving work in progress,

Alertscript called by Zabbix server that uses the Sendgrid API to send a message

Check for errors, can log debug information, sending failure information back to zabbix to be implemented next.



  • curl
  • zabbix_server
  • bash
  • zabbix_sender ( to report errors )

Sendgrid API key

Configuration file

The configuration is sourced from $HOME/.sendgrid_zabbix_alert.conf or /etc/zabbix/sendgrid_zabbix_alert.conf to set MAILFROMADDR, MAILFROMNAME and SENDGRID_API_KEY. See sendgrid_zabbix_alert.conf.example for more information. It is also possible to set these values in the configuration file for testing.

Zabbix configuration

Normally alert scripts are here /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts AlertScriptsPath can be set to a location for custom alert scripts in zabbix_server.conf

The script need to be installed and have permissions set so that Zabbix is able to execute it.

Check the Zabbix documention for Custom alert scripts.

When calling the alertscript, Zabbix sets the following parameters


Parameters can be customized. (See custom alert scripts)


Assuming default settings:

Set variables in /etc/zabbix/sendgrid_zabbix_alert.conf

Copy sendgrid_zabbix_alert.sh to /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts

There is also a short script that will help see what zabbix is sending.
