Virtual Facility Coding Challenge - QA Automation Engineer

The Goal

Your task is to write some end-to-end tests to demonstrate your test automation abilities. We use Cypress, but feel free to use another platform, such as Selenium, if you would like.

What you'll need

  1. The platform: binance trading platform
  2. The Cypress Docs (optional)

The Process

  1. Fork this GitHub repo
  2. In your forked repo, set up a new testing environment
  3. Write some end-to-end tests fulfilling the Acceptance Criteria below
  4. Create a pull request from your fork into this original repository.
  5. In your pull request description, please document how to run the code you've written and how to verify the fulfillment of the acceptance criteria. Feel free to add additional thoughts, e.g. why you implemented a feature in a certain way, what were your learnings, etc.
  6. Mention @c-gray, @faisalnwz or @miltonlopezjr in the pull request description to let us know you're ready for review.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Write a first end-to-end test that
    1. Starts on the landing page
    2. Clicks the ETH/BTC button leading to Pair trading view
    3. Verifies that all important information is loaded, e.g. trading chart, limit, market, stop limit input boxes, etc. (leaving this purposefully open to see what you think makes sense to test)
  2. Write a second end-to-end test that
    1. Starts on the Pair trading view
    2. Enters some valid values into the Buy ETH form
    3. Make sure the Total field has the correct value (Total = price * Amount)
    4. Verifies that you can't submit the form since you are not logged in
  3. Write a data last end-to-end (WebSockets) test that
    1. Starts on the Pair trading view
    2. Under the hood, the UI uses WebSockets to fetch tickers
    3. Verifies that the data is loaded in the tickers,
    4. Verifies there is a consistent stream of data.
    5. Verifies the time it takes the socket connection to connect is less than 1 second

Bonus Round (not required, but nice-to-have)

  • Usage of code quality tools such as eslint, prettier, typescript
  • Integration of your tests into a CI pipeline
  • Screenshot diffing
  • Surprise us…

How we're evaluating the result

Prioritized from most important to least important, here are our evaluation criteria:

  1. Acceptance Criteria: Have all acceptance criteria been fulfilled correctly?
  2. Code Quality: Is the code that you've written clean, well-structured and easy to understand?
  3. Documentation: Did you document how to run your tests well? Is your written communication clear and easy-to-understand?
  4. The extra mile: Everything you did on top of the acceptance criteria. See Bonus Round