
Sbt plugin to generate tap output for tests

Primary LanguageScala

Provides reporting of test success and failure for tests run by simple build tool in TAP format

All the test results will be generated in one file: test-results/test.tap

To use

  1. Add this plugin to your sbt project. Create project/project/Plugins.scala that looks like this:

     import sbt._
     // sets up other project dependencies when building our root project
     object Plugins extends Build {
       lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")) dependsOn(tapListener)
       lazy val tapListener = RootProject(uri("git://github.com/mkhettry/sbt-tap.git"))
  2. In your build.sbt, add the SbtTapListener to the sequence of Test Listeners.

     testListeners += SbtTapReporting.tapListener