
Code for our Trends in Opioid Mortality paper in Epidemiology

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Trends in Black and White Opioid Mortality in the US, 1979-2015


Reproducible code for our paper “Trends in Black and White Opioid Mortality in the United States, 1979-2015” (PDF), which uses multiple cause of death data to examine racial differences in opioid mortality over time. The full citation is:

Alexander MJ, Kiang MV, Barbieri M. Trends in Black and White Opioid Mortality in the United States, 1979–2015. Epidemiology. September 2018. Volume 29, Issue 5, p 707-715. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000858. Available from: https://journals.lww.com/epidem/Fulltext/2018/09000/Trends_in_Black_and_White_Opioid_Mortality_in_the.16.aspx


Please submit issues via Github or via email.

Typographical error in the abstract

Please note that the current version of the PDF (8/1/2018) has an error in the abstract. The first sentence of the Results section should read:

From 1979 to 2015, the long-term trends in opioid-related mortality for US black and white residents went through three successive waves.

We thank Mia Kibel for kindly pointing out this error.


  1. Submitted: 12/15/2017
  2. Revisions requested: 1/14/2018
  3. Revisions submitted: 1/19/2018
  4. Accepted: 1/22/2018
  5. Published ahead-of-print online: 5/29/2018
  6. Publisher’s version available online: 8/1/2018

Additional analyses

  1. Comparing the model fits for 2015 vs 2016 (Mirror): Our data (1979 to 2015) vs adding in the (released-after-submission) 2016 data. (Code.)
  2. Comparing the model fits for 2015 vs 2017 (Mirror): Our data (1979 to 2015) vs adding in the (released-after-submission) 2017 data. (Code.)
  3. Counterfactual world: A simple counterfactual analysis where the Black population had the same opioid-related mortality rate as the White population. (Code.)



We use R and the Joinpoint Regression Program to conduct the analyses in the paper.[1]

R Packages

To run this code, you’ll need the following R packages from CRAN:

  • tidyverse
  • haven
  • doParallel
  • foreach
  • knitr
  • config
  • rmarkdown
  • yaml
  • digest

In addition, you’ll need two packages that are not available on CRAN:

  • Our package for working with multiple cause of death data, narcan.
  • If you want to reproduce our figures exactly, you’ll need patchwork, but the plots can be generated without it.

You can install these packages manually or by running the 00_install_packages.R script in ./code/. It will not install packages you already have. It may require interaction (e.g., confirmation if a package needs to be compiled). The exact versions we used can be found in the session_info.txt file.

Analysis pipeline

The analysis pipeline is divided into three parts.

  • Part 1: Use R to download and munge the data, calculate the rates, and output the rates into a format that the Joinpoint Regression Program can take.
  • Part 2: Run the joinpoint analyses externally using the output from Part 1.
  • Part 3: Ingest the joinpoint regression output and convert it into tables and plots.

Each part has discrete steps and is described in detail below.

Configuation file

The ./config.yml file contains several global parameters for the analysis pipeline in JSON format. Specifically:

  • delete_zip_orig: Allows the user to specify if the original MCOD files should be deleted (default: true) or saved (false) after it has been trimmed in Step 1. These files are typically 75 MB per year.
  • delete_trimmed: Allows the user to specify if the smaller MCOD files should be deleted (default: true) or saved (false) after it has been subsetted in the Step 1. These files are typically around 20 MB per year.
  • delete_processed: Allows the user to specify if the uncollapsed MCOD files should be deleted (true) or saved (default: false) after they have been aggregated in Step 3. These files are typically around 15 MB per year. We save them by default to facilitate additional analyses or debugging; however they are not necessary in terms of purely replicating the published analysis.
  • start_year and end_year: Specify the start (default: 1979) and end (default: 2015) years of the analysis. Going earlier than 1979 will not work (due to different ICD codes), but as new data gets released, going later than 2015 should work.
  • num_decimals: The number of decimals that should be displayed for Tables 1 and 2
  • num_decimals_supp: The number of decimals that should be displayed for the Supplementary Tables
  • raw_folder: Specifies where the raw and trimmed MCOD files should be downloaded (default: ./raw_data).
  • sav_folder: Specifies where the processed data files (i.e., working data) should be saved (default: ./data).
  • output_folder: Specifies where the tables and plots should be saved.
  • proc_in_parallel: Specifies if downloading and processing should be performed in parallel (true) or serially (default: false).

Typically, a user should not need to change any of these parameters; however, on a computer with sufficient RAM, setting proc_in_parallel to true should result in significant (linear) speedup. Be warned that this may result in significant RAM usage (~16 GB of RAM for four processes) and is not recommended for typical computing environments. Downloading and cleaning the data on a single processor takes somewhere in the order of a few hours.

Part 1: Getting the data and calculating rates

For convenience, the ./01_rerun_step_1.R file will run the following files for you in a single step. However, it is recommended you open and inspect each file individually.

  • Step 1: ./code/01_download_and_trim_raw_data.R: Downloads data directly from the NBER website and “trims” the dataset by subsetting only to the columns we will use for analysis. In the ./config.yml file, the user can specify if the raw (untrimmed) data should be kept. The raw data take up approximately 2.9 GB of space (when compressed). The trimmed files take up approximately 900 MB when compressed. When running this process in parallel (that is, setting the proc_in_parallel option to true in the ./config.yml file), each process consumes 3.5–4 GB of RAM and the default number of processes is half of the available cores. Make sure your computer is capable of this before setting this option to true.
    • Inputs: None
    • Outputs:
      • ./raw_data/mortXXXX.dta.zip or ./raw_data/mortXXXX.csv.zip (37 files)
      • ./raw_data/trimmed_mcod_XXXX.RDS (37 files)
  • Step 2: ./code/02_process_trimmed_data.R: This file will perform basic processing on the trimmed multiple cause of death files. Specifically, it will subset to only US residents, clean ICD-9 data issues, convert the age category, add a Hispanic column if necessary for consistency across years, remap the race categories to be consistent across years, and join contributory cause fields for easier string search.
    • Inputs: ./raw_data/trimmed_mcod_XXXX.RDS (37 files)
    • Outputs: ./data/cleaned_mcod_XXXX.RDS (37 files)
  • Step 3: ./code/03_flag_opioid_deaths.R: This file will use the underlying cause and contributory cause fields to flag opioid deaths by broad opioid type and when applicable, by ICD-10 type, resulting in our working data set.
    • Inputs: ./data/cleaned_mcod_XXXX.RDS (37 files)
    • Outputs: ./data/working_opioid_data.csv
  • Step 4: ./code/04_calculate_mortality_rates.R: This file uses the working data to calculate age-specific and age-standardized mortality rates, by opioid type and race.
    • Inputs: ./data/working_opioid_data.csv
    • Outputs:
      • ./data/age_specific_rates.csv
      • ./data/age_standardized_rates_wide.csv
      • ./data/age_standardized_rates_long.csv
  • Step 5: ./code/05_calculate_opioid_rate_ratio.R: This file uses the working data to calculate the ratio (white/black) of the white and black opioid mortality rates.
    • Inputs: ./data/working_opioid_data.csv
    • Outputs: ./data/opioid_rate_ratio.csv
  • Step 6: ./code/06_prepping_data_for_joinpoint.R: The Joinpoint Regression Program needs the data in a specific shape. This file takes in the files calculated from Steps 4 and 5 and reshapes them into the necessary format.
    • Inputs:
      • ./data/age_standardized_rates_long.csv
      • ./data/opioid_rate_ratio.csv
    • Outputs:
      • ./joinpoint_analysis/01_opioid_rates_long.csv
      • ./joinpoint_analysis/02_opioid_rate_ratio.csv
      • ./joinpoint_analysis/03_opioid_rates_by_type.csv
      • ./joinpoint_analysis/04_opioid_rates_icd10type.csv

Part 2: Running joinpoint regressions

Part 2 needs to be run outside of R using the Joinpoint Regression Program (Windows only). To assist with reproducibility, we provide the original session files (.jps), output files (.jpo), and all the saved results.

All settings can be inspected by opening the .jps file of interest[2] and all results can be reviewed by opening the .jpo file. If you would like to conduct the analysis on your own or change some program parameters, simply open the .jps file and adjust any settings.

The ./joinpoint_analysis folder is structured into four analyses, number 01 to 04. Each one of these analyses contains three files: the original data (.csv), the joinpoint session file (.jps), and the saved output (.jpo). In additoin, each analysis also contains a folder which contains the text-delimited output from the joinpoint regression program.

Part 3: Returning joinpoint results

For convenience, the ./02_make_plots_and_tables.R file will run the following files for you in a single step. However, it is recommended you open and inspect each file individually. Note that we use rmarkdown to parse and generate the tables. These R scripts below will render the rmarkdown files into Microsoft Word files; however, if you would like to see how each file is parsed and sorted, the source of the files are in ./rmds.

  • Step 1: ./code/07_plot_figure1.R: Generate a pdf and png of figure 1.
    • Inputs: Joinpoint results from 01 and 02 analyses.
    • Outputs:
      • fig1_rate_and_ratio.pdf
      • fig1_rate_and_ratio.png
  • Step 2: ./code/08_plot_figure2.R: Generate a pdf and png of figure 2.
    • Inputs: Joinpoint results from 03 analysis.
    • Outputs:
      • fig2_opioid_types.pdf
      • fig2_opioid_types.png
  • Step 3: ./code/09_plot_figure3.R: Generate a pdf and png of figure 3.
    • Inputs: Joinpoint results from 04 analysis.
    • Outputs:
      • fig3_opioid_icd10types.pdf
      • fig3_opioid_icd10types.png
  • Step 4: ./code/10_generate_tables.R: Generate Microsoft Word documents of Tables 1 and 2.
    • Inputs:
      • ./rmds/table1_joinpoint_1979_2015.Rmd
      • ./rmds/table2_joinpoint_1999_2015.Rmd
    • Outputs:
      • ./output/table1_joinpoint_1979_2015.docx
      • ./output/table2_joinpoint_1999_2015.docx

In addition, we provide code that will generate the materials in the supplement. See ./code/11_plot_efigure1.R and ./code/12_generate_supp_tables.R for more.

Session Information

Both devtools::session_info() and sessionInfo() output can be found in the ./session_info.txt file.



  1. We are investigating ways of reproducing the Joinpoint Regression Program using open-source statistical programs, and may update this code in the future.

  2. You can also open the output file (.jpo) and click on “Retrieve Session.”