
Analytic code for our paper about medical school statements

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Statements issued by academic medical institutions after George Floyd’s killing by police and subsequent unrest in the United States: cross-sectional study


Analytic code and additional analyses for our Annals of Epidemiology paper, Failure of leadership in U.S. academic medicine after George Floyd’s killing by police and amidst subsequent unrest. The full citation is:

Kiang MV & Tsai AC, Failure of leadership in U.S. academic medicine after George Floyd’s killing by police and amidst subsequent unrest. Annals of Epidemiology (May 2020), doi: 10.1101/2020.06.22.20137844

The pre-print version can be found on medRxiv.


  • code: contains code files to be run in sequential order with the exception of 00_rerun_everything.R
  • data: contains publicly shareable data
  • data_private (not on Github): contains full, private data
  • plots: contains publicly shareable plots
  • plots_private (not on Github): contains plots with identifiers for manual verification
  • rmds: contains rmarkdown files with additional analyses and/or explanation

Additional analyses

Note, the HTML links below will not render interactive tables. You must download the file and view it locally.


Session information

We use renv to manage local packages and ensure reproducibility as we update analyses and data. For completeness, a continuously-current version of the session information can be viewed at ./session_info.txt.